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Julianna Bouquet
Julianna Bouquet
Julianna Bouquet
Julianna Bouquet

Julianna Bouquet


A vibrant celebration of spring, this classic bouquet showcases three exquisite tulip varieties—Tulip Alison Bradley, Tulip Du Red Princess, and Tulip Du Pontiac. Each bloom is carefully selected for its rich colour, velvety petals, and elegant shape, creating a striking arrangement that radiates warmth and charm. Expertly hand-tied by our florists, this bouquet is a beautiful blend of deep, dramatic hues and soft, delicate tones, perfect for brightening any space and marking a special occasion. A true homage to the beauty of the season, it brings effortless sophistication and natural grace to any setting.

Please note we require 24 hours notice for the Julianna Bouquet.


Julianna Bouquet
Size Guide

A vibrant celebration of spring, this classic bouquet showcases three exquisite tulip varieties—Tulip Alison Bradley, Tulip Du Red Princess, and Tulip Du Pontiac. Each bloom is carefully selected for its rich colour, velvety petals, and elegant shape, creating a striking arrangement that radiates warmth and charm. Expertly hand-tied by our florists, this bouquet is a beautiful blend of deep, dramatic hues and soft, delicate tones, perfect for brightening any space and marking a special occasion. A true homage to the beauty of the season, it brings effortless sophistication and natural grace to any setting.

Please note we require 24 hours notice for the Julianna Bouquet.


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