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Saffron Bouquet
Saffron Bouquet
Saffron Bouquet
Saffron Bouquet
Saffron Bouquet
Saffron Bouquet
Saffron Bouquet

Saffron Bouquet


A classic bouquet of exquisite garden roses in warm autumn tones, enriched with astrantia, nigella seed pods, rosehips, and beech leaves. This stunning arrangement reflects the seasonal charm of Claridge’s, evoking the hotel’s rich heritage and artistry while adding a touch of warmth and sophistication to any gathering or celebration.

Please note: Due to the season, this particular bouquet cannot be ordered with a guaranteed same day or 24 hour delivery. If ordering this bouquet, please allow for a minimum 48 hour delivery window. 

Saffron Bouquet
Size Guide

A classic bouquet of exquisite garden roses in warm autumn tones, enriched with astrantia, nigella seed pods, rosehips, and beech leaves. This stunning arrangement reflects the seasonal charm of Claridge’s, evoking the hotel’s rich heritage and artistry while adding a touch of warmth and sophistication to any gathering or celebration.

Please note: Due to the season, this particular bouquet cannot be ordered with a guaranteed same day or 24 hour delivery. If ordering this bouquet, please allow for a minimum 48 hour delivery window. 

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