Amber Bouquet
This garden-style bouquet blends muted, vintage tones, capturing the timeless elegance of Claridge’s. Expertly crafted by skilled florists, it features lush garden roses, delicate astrantia, rose hips, and rich autumnal foliage, all carefully chosen for their texture and character. Each flower is thoughtfully arranged to evoke the beauty of an autumn garden, creating a bouquet that brings sophistication and warmth to any space. This piece exemplifies Claridge’s commitment to luxury, craftsmanship, and the artistry of fine floristry.
This garden-style bouquet blends muted, vintage tones, capturing the timeless elegance of Claridge’s. Expertly crafted by skilled florists, it features lush garden roses, delicate astrantia, rose hips, and rich autumnal foliage, all carefully chosen for their texture and character. Each flower is thoughtfully arranged to evoke the beauty of an autumn garden, creating a bouquet that brings sophistication and warmth to any space. This piece exemplifies Claridge’s commitment to luxury, craftsmanship, and the artistry of fine floristry.
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Amber Bouquet Small