Besos Bouquet
A breathtaking arrangement of the finest luxury red and pink roses, delicately hand-tied to create a stunning display of colour and romance. This bouquet also features delicate spray roses, adding layers of texture and charm, while seasonal foliage such as berried ivy and viburnum provides a lush, natural finish. Expertly crafted by our florists, this arrangement is perfect for any special occasion—whether as a romantic gesture, a heartfelt gift, or an elegant statement piece. Beautifully balanced and thoughtfully arranged, it captures the essence of timeless beauty and sophistication.
A breathtaking arrangement of the finest luxury red and pink roses, delicately hand-tied to create a stunning display of colour and romance. This bouquet also features delicate spray roses, adding layers of texture and charm, while seasonal foliage such as berried ivy and viburnum provides a lush, natural finish. Expertly crafted by our florists, this arrangement is perfect for any special occasion—whether as a romantic gesture, a heartfelt gift, or an elegant statement piece. Beautifully balanced and thoughtfully arranged, it captures the essence of timeless beauty and sophistication.
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Besos Bouquet Medium