This cheerful festive bouquet combines the vibrant beauty of red Naomi and Hearts roses, spray roses, skimmia, and hypericum with the seasonal charm of apples and fragrant spruce. Each element is thoughtfully arranged to create a rich, joyful display that embodies the warmth and elegance of the holiday season. Perfectly balanced with festive textures and hues, this bouquet brings a touch of Claridge’s signature sophistication and cheer to any celebration.
Pre-order for delivery from Monday 2nd December
This cheerful festive bouquet combines the vibrant beauty of red Naomi and Hearts roses, spray roses, skimmia, and hypericum with the seasonal charm of apples and fragrant spruce. Each element is thoughtfully arranged to create a rich, joyful display that embodies the warmth and elegance of the holiday season. Perfectly balanced with festive textures and hues, this bouquet brings a touch of Claridge’s signature sophistication and cheer to any celebration.
Pre-order for delivery from Monday 2nd December
Provide your email address and we’ll let you know once this item’s back in stock.
Jollity Deluxe